Keeping in touch
Keeping in touch with friends, family and travel companions is always very important. Be sure to check in with family and friends on a regular basis and inform them of your movements and travel plans. Using Facebook, email and Skype are effective tools and are usually free and accessible (depending on internet coverage).
Most countries will also have cheap call rates and/or telephone cards. Calls made under these circumstances generally cost around the 1 to 5 cents per minute mark. It is worth noting that internet coverage using local telecom providers may be more much more expensive – depending on the country. Wi Fi is an alternative and many coffee franchises like Starbucks or Nero Coffee shops offer free Wi-Fi hot spots.
To take your mobile abroad you will need to ensure you have the correct sim card installation. Check with your mobile providers about how to unlock your mobile and enable it to receive calls. This can be expensive however, so often it is easier to swap your sim card over when you arrive in a new destination and use a local sim with a new number.