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Working in Ireland
Capital: Dublin
Largest city: Dublin
Population: 6.4 million (2011 census)
Currency: Euro
Language: English, Irish
The Republic of Ireland is an island country located in north-western Europe and to the east of the United Kingdom. The population of the Republic of Ireland is 4.6 million, while a further 1.8 million live in Northern Ireland.
The history of Ireland dates back to its Gaelic origins in prehistory to the 17th century. For centuries sovereignty of Ireland belonged to England until a war on independence during the 20th century saw the island divided into its current state.
Ireland is well known for its buoyant culture, which has influenced countries throughout the world. The island nation has contributed a unique personality, music, literature, several sports and much more.
The Republic of Ireland’s working holiday scheme has been established for use by young adults wishing to stay in the country for an extended holiday with the option to work casually to fund their stay.
Under the arrangement, Australians aged between 18 and 30 are allowed to travel to Ireland for a working holiday of up to 12 months.
It is recommended that successful applicants do not pursue long-term work in Ireland, as it is outlined in the visa’s restrictions that they may only work for the same employee for a maximum period of three months.
Applicants must also have funds of more than $5000 on arrival to fund the working holiday and it is recommended they take out comprehensive travel insurance for the working holiday period.
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Ireland’s Working Holiday visa summary
Visa: Working holiday
Age: 18 to 30
Length of stay: 12 months
Application fee: $100
Processing time: 6 weeks
Be an Australian citizen
Must correctly complete visa application form and provide required documents
Be aged between 18 and 30 (at time of application)
Must have enough funds to support yourself on arrival ($5000)
Must not have previously participated in this program
May only work for a maximum of three months with any one employee.
Emergency telephone numbers
Police 112 or 999
EMS and ambulance 112 or 999
Fire and Rescue 112 or 999
Individuals in the Republic of Ireland pay tax on the pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) system based on their income. This system operates on a progressive scale, with higher income earners paying the highest rate.
The tax rates in Ireland are as follows:
At the standard rate of 20%:
The first €32,800 for individuals without dependent children
The first €36,800 for single or widowed persons qualifying for the One-Parent Family tax credit
The first €41,800 for married couples.
The balance of income is taxed at the higher rate of 41%.
A large portion of government tax revenue in Ireland is also derived from value-added-tax (VAT).
Bank account
Opening a bank account as an expat in the Republic of Ireland requires several pieces of documentation, including: passport, a completed bank account application form and proof of address. Each bank account will usually include a debit card, overdraft facility, option to open a savings account and more. To save time, check online for banks that allow expats to open an account without even entering a branch.
The major banks in Ireland include: Bank of Ireland, Allied Irish Banks and UIlster Bank. Many foreign banks can also be located in Ireland.
Working in Ireland
Finding work in Ireland has not been that easy since the country’s banking crisis began in 2008. Nevertheless, there are still opportunities and some of them are ideal for working holiday makers. With Ireland’s infamous pub culture if pouring drinks is your thing then there is a good chance work can be found in this industry. Another option while traveling in Ireland is to look for agricultural work. This is a great way to explore the country, enjoy the outdoors and supplement your stay with a small amount of funds.
Ireland is well serviced by telecommunications and has several providers for expats to choose from. The major telecommunications players in Ireland are:
To sign-up for a phone contract in Ireland, applicants will need to provide forms of identification, such as a passport.
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